
Perry Data Shred provides a secure confidential paper shredding and paper waste recycling service.

To assure our clients of our safe and secure service, we have been accredited with the BSEN 15713 Secure Destruction of Confidential Material Certificate.

With business espionage and identity theft being Britain’s fastest-growing white collar crime, we provide a guaranteed and confidential paper shredding service safeguarding your business.

We can pick up your documents for a one off or regular collection and for each disposal we issue a Certificate of Destruction. To reduce our carbon footprint and promote a strong commitment to the environment, we also recycle all shredded paper by sending back to the paper mill to be reused.

Perry Removals Shredding

Ready to get in touch

Call 0800 211 8030 today for a quote or email our team on

Perry Removals Shredding

Using our large industrial shredder, we can destroy lorry loads of paperwork in next to no time. We offer a range of services including one-off collections and regular collections weekly, monthly or with a bespoke time range between collections if required.

Our one-off collections work on a bag delivery, which you fill. The bags come with security tags for sealing and a Certificate of Destruction which contain details of bag delivery, collection, destruction and confirmation. A copy of the Certificate will be sent to you once your paperwork has been destroyed.

Our regular collections work by giving our customers a bin, for inside the office or out, this is emptied at a pre-arranged time into bags, which are removed and shredded off-site.

Why use Perry Datashred

We also offer

Perry Removals Shredding

Small Volume Collections

Order bags and seals by phone or email. The average size of a bag is equivalent to one filing cabinet drawer.


We can provide 80, 120 or 240 litre bins free of charge, when on a 12 month contract.

Perry Removals buy back scheme

Buy Back


We offer a buy-back trial option, whereby you purchase a bin/console and if you decide to stop using our services, we will collect and buy back the equipment at half price. 

Perry Removals Truck

Large Volume Collections

We can provide bins for substantial quantities of paper, so large volume collections are no problem. We also offer special rates for larger collections.

Ready to get in touch

Call 0800 211 8030 today for a quote or email our team on


Our standard price range varies with the price of paper so call us on 0800 211 8030 today to find out more and we can send you our current price list.

None of the bins or bags provided may be contaminated with non-paper material. Small quantities of staples and clips are permissible.

  • No plastic wallets
  • No lever arch files
  • No plastic cups

All of the above would be deemed contamination and would be chargeable for sorting at up to £5 per container or on a percentage basis of total cost. All equipment remains the property of Perry Data Shred unless purchased.

We will post or deliver the bins/bags and then arrange to collect them. There is often no more than a week between delivery and collection. We collect for free!

Shredding bags are sealed on site and your documents are taken to our depot for secure destruction and then sent to a paper mill for recycling. Once your documents have been shredded you will receive a Certificate of Destruction.

Feel free to call us today on 0800 211 8030 or email us at and we will look to get your paper in our shredder as soon as possible!

Need more information?

Call 0800 211 8030 today for a quote or email our team on